Welcome to the
Embassy of Malawi in Brussels
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the official website of Malawi Embassy to the Kingdom of Belgium and Mission to the European Union. The Embassy is also accredited to the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Principality of Monaco.
Malawi has enormous opportunities in trade, investment, and tourism. The website provides useful information about these opportunities. It also serves as a platform for interface with potential business partners, investors, and tourists as well as the Malawi Diaspora in the countries of the Embassy’s accreditation.
I invite all prospective business partners, investors, and tourists to make full use of the information provided. Please contact the Embassy for further information or to give your feedback.

Her Excellency Dr. Naomi Ngwira
Stats About Malawi
We differentiate ourselves from all the other Africa Countries because we are the warm Heart of Africa.
IMMIGRATION (AMENDMENT) REGULATIONS, 2024 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 40 of the Immigration Act, I, DR. KENNETH REEVES ZIKHALE NG’OMA, Minister of Homeland Security, make the following
Find Services
Embassy Services and
Roads & Transportation
The Ministry of Transport and Public Works is composed of several departments ...
Read MoreEducation and skills
City employment issue opportunities are position descriptions are listed.
Read MoreCulture & Traditions
City employment issue opportunities are position descriptions are listed.
Read MoreHealth and Securities
Health services in Malawi are provided by public, PFP and PNFP sectors.
Read MoreInvestment/Trade
To promote Malawian exports, to attract and nurture foreign and domestic investment in Malawi
Read MoreJustice, Safty and the law
The Judiciary is one of the arms of Government. The Head of the Judiciary is the Chief Justice who is also the Supreme Court Judge
Read MoreTravel & Immigration
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services falls under the MOHS of the Republic of Malawi.
Read MoreMission Statement
Our Vision, Mission and Core Values
The Vision of the Mission is to deliver exceptional and high quality diplomatic and consular services thereby actively advancing and safeguarding Malawi’s interests in countries of accreditation.
To advance and safeguard Malawi’s interests in countries of accreditation by adopting and using innovative approaches to achieve its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Our Values:
Staff of the Mission are guided by the following Core Values:
Integrity, Diligence, and Teamwork.
News & Updates
What's Going on in
Events & Meetings
Upcoming Events
Umthetho Cultural Festival
Malawi-Belgium Business Webinar Sept 22, 2022
Feedback From Visitors

Leading global travel publisher, Lonely Planet, has yet again named Malawi among the top 10 countries as Best in Travel list for 2022 and rising African star, making its second appearance in eight years on this most respected of travel inspiration lists. The destinations chosen by Lonely Planet span the world and are intended to inspire and excite travellers as they plan their trips in 2022 and beyond.
By Watipaso Mzungu
Nyasa Times

Where do I start? It's really difficult to express all my experiences and emotions about Malawi in these few words because there were so many special moments. I decided to go to Malawi for four weeks on the teaching project during my second year at university. I had just taken a module on International Education and Development which set my imagination running wild, and I was doing an education course in the hope of becoming a teacher when I graduated. I thought it would be a perfect way to gain some more teaching experience as well as being something exciting to do during those long, protracted summer holidays. Also, having done my development module, I knew that volunteers can make big differences in communities so I wanted to help as much as I could.
Volunteering for MVO in 2010
Teaching Volunteer

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James Peter
Minister Of Omina

"Tools to network more effectively, including an orientation CD giving the Formula for Success" in BNI, a badge, a vinyl card holder to carry."
Peek Thakul
Governer Of Canada

"I will be pet i will be pet and then i will hiss sit in box get scared by doggo also cucumerro yet the best thing in the call universe is a cardboard box."
Donald Salvor
Citizen Of Omina

"Tools to network more effectively, including an orientation CD giving the Formula for Success" in BNI, a badge, a vinyl card holder to carry."
Peek Thakul
Governer Of Canada
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Open Monday – Thursday 09:30H–13H & 14H- 17H
Friday from 9:30H – 14H